s373 / code ( )
codex repository for s373.net/x code
libraries for processing, addons for openframeworks, externals for max, research & code development at s373.net/x studios by Andre Sier since 2000 in diverse areas such as computer vision, simulation, 3d, sound spatialization, genetic, composition, spatial partitioning, videogames, cellularautomata, boids, dna, virtual haptic immersion, sound synthesis, 3d fabrication.
follow github.com/s373 for latest and more code. code is released under lgpl. email astronaut at s373.net for support, or shoot an email through the contact page.
these code objects take a lot of time and space to develop. consider making a donation of 10+ €/$ if these are helpful for your art/code.
your support is appreciated. (supporters of s373.net/code with donation values above 500€ are listed here / if you wish to remain anonymous, it's ok, give me an anonymous ip address to list here)
s373.net/code supporters since 2000:
(none until now ~ 2016)
/ for processing / for openframeworks / last update : 20130310
flob is a flood-fill multi-blob detector in processing's and openframeworks image streams.
more info and download in the library's' web
/ for processing / for openframeworks / last update : 20130107
Simple dna library with mutation and crossovers from Karl Sims' paper.
more info and download in the library's' web
/ for processing / for openframeworks / last update : 20121221
Marching cubes implementation after Paul Bourke polygonize voxel.
more info and download in the library's' web
/ for processing / for openframeworks / last update : 20130225
Simulation of autonomous agent behaviors in 2D, 3D.
more info and download in the library's' web
/ for processing / for openframeworks / last update : 20130107
Cellular automata in 1,2,3 dimensions.
more info and download in the library's' web
/ last update : 20060828
for max / msp / jitter
here's the projects' web page
(freshest archive: universal
build 0x10b10 ) 20071027.
by andré sier / s373.net
this is small growing externals set for max msp
jitter by cycling74.
ranges from utility objects to some 3d synthetic motion physics sonic
boids for max
/ by eric
singer, jasch,
andré sier,
/ last update : 20070227
version 1.1 - september 2005
version 1 - august 2005
boids for
max jitter osx.zip
boids for
max jitter win.zip
boids max jitter universal
ub port
Based on Simon Fraser's implementation of Craig
Reynolds' Boids algorithm.
Boids is free for non-commercial use
Boids is a bird flight and animal flock simulator.
It is based on the same algorithm which was used in Jurassic Park for
the herding dinosaurs.
Boids takes an integer argument which is the number of boids. Each time
Boids receives a bang, it calculates and outputs the new positions of
the boids. The output consists of thew coordiantes for each boid, the
number and type depending on the mode.
The flight parameters can be changed with
messages. Use the 'dump' message to output a list of the current
parameter settings.
For more information about the Boids algorithm,
see Craig Reynolds' Web site at www.red3d.com/cwr/
A-Chaos Lib
/ by andré
A-Chaos Lib 1.01
(a chaotic library for max systems / march 2004 (ppc+9) / jan 2005
(win)/ jun 2006 (ub))
A-Chaos Lib is a library of non-linear strange attractors for the max
programming environment extended from Richard Dudas' Chaos Collection,
including the source.
(24 dynamic non-linear systems :: a-baker, a-clifford, a-collatz,
a-duffing, a-fibonacci, a-ginger, a-henon-heilles, a-henon, a-henonf,
a-henonphase, a-ikeda, a-jong, a-logistic, a-logistic1, a-lorenz,
a-lorenz.e,a-lyapunov, a-navier-stokes, a-navier-stokes.e, a-rossler,
a-stein, a-stein1, a-torus and a-verhulst)
Lib web page
also available @ cycling74.com / share (ppc + x86
old gadgets&research:
OSx cpp application that sends blobs over osc
more info
_mov_espacial (osxbuild and max patches) - download
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ s373
The simile of this moment is clear, yet it is diffuse;
we find ourselves in the instant of minimal ambient temperature, the
instant of lights’ insurrection under the auspice of the
night, when the visual frontiers become visible again and the infinite
depth of the landscape’s horizon gains concretude, again. A
moment when the time flows in a peculiar way, keeping pace with the
pulsing events in the landscape. It is the moment of (re)birth of
light, and of the slow pushing of the darkness, where the frontier
between these two moments is but a gradual transition from one moment
into the other. A diffuse moment, undelineated, where the instant gains
deepness, density, complexity. The light as a symbol of temporal
simultaneousness, of spatial omnipresence, of the growing accumulating
and of the recognizing, the perception of information, of
over-information of the senses, of inhabiting the landscape.
a luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers of
arches of light appearing in the upper atmosphere of a
planet’s magnetic polar regions and is caused by the emission
of light from atoms excited by electrons accelerated along the planet’s
magnetic field lines. [12]
last updated: 20121221